It may seem as if COVID-19 has been impacting nearly every aspect of life. From doctor’s appointments to classrooms, everything has been making to shift to go online in order to continue following social distancing guidelines. With all of the stress this new lifestyle may bring, it is important to keep in mind that physical and mental health take a particular toll. Glo is one of the leading online yoga studios that is ready to take strides during these taxing times.

Online yoga allows the ability to practice and meditate nearly anywhere. Available on all Apple products, Roku, Android, and FireTV, along with the ability to download more than 4,000 classes, Glo has changed how yoga is done. There is also the Glo community, filled with active members looking to improve their practice. The ability to have an open dialogue with others about class recommendations, teacher requests, or even just useful tips, allows online yoga to become more than just a simple a video. It becomes an online studio.

Courses Offered

Glo offers a number of courses that help bring that same comfort and meditation found in a studio to the online yoga class.

Yamas and Niyamas

Designed for both teachers and dedicated students of yoga, this class focuses on applying the yoga philosophy to everyday activities. The course first explores the two limbs of yoga stressed in the Yoga Sutras. Known as the Yamas and Niyamas, this study supports positive lifestyle changes, and defines the ethical and philosophical code that all yogis must follow in their lives. Through meditation, lecture, and spiritual practice, students will identify and understand their limits, and then make clear distinctions and make directions for positive change. A class that must be visited again, Yamas and Niyamas continuously reveals its layers of meaning as life seems to revolve around each and every individual.

The Art of Teaching Beginners

With the practice of yoga, there are many different philosophies and therefore numerous approaches that a newbie can take, making the job of a yogi that much more difficult. It is intimidating. With this class, stress can be put aside as the blueprint is laid out for teachers to be able to spread the knowledge of yoga to novices at an easy pace. By streamlining the art of teaching, instructors will learn best practices when working with new students, along with ensuring they stay safe and motivated yet still challenged.

Practice You

The gift of life allows the book of each individual person to be written as their own. This class introduces how to take more control over what it really means to be ‘you’. Using yoga, meditation, contemplation, and journaling, Practice You will create habits of self study that translates into more intuitive decision making and emotional control.

Glo’s vision is, “A world that comes together to heal”. In order for the world to come together, they have implemented technology with their practice, making it a global community of yogi. The future of yoga involves the inclusion of everyone, and Glo is at the forefront of these developments.